The Shia |
The Shia Believe Revelation Continued After the Messenger and the Saying of Their Imaams Is the Saying of Allaah Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Thursday, September, 15 2011 and filed under Beliefs ![]() The Shia scholar, Muhammad Aal Kaashif al-Ghitaa said in his book (أصل الشيعة) "The Foundation of the Shia" (p. 77):
The Meaning of the Above
The trustees mentioned here (al-awsiyaa) refer to their twelve imaams, and they treat the statements of these imaams as revelation, which is stated also explicitly in their books. Hence, they ascribe to Ali (radiallaahu anhu) the following statement: "This (the Qur'an) is the silent Book of Allaah and I am the vocal Book of Allaah" (Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah Fee Usool al-A'immah p. 235 and also in Wasaa'il al-Shi'ah 27/34), and they have many statements which indicate this core doctrine of theirs, from them, their saying about their Imaams that they are (خزنة علم الله وعيبة وحي الله) "...the treasurers of the knowlege of Allaah, and the suitcase of Allaah's revelation..." (al-Kaafee 1/192, Basaa'ir al-Darajaat al-Kubraa, p. 61 of Abi Ja'far al-Saffaar, d. 290H), and also (حفظة سر الله) "... the guardians of the secret of Allaah ..." (Mustadrak al-Wasaa'il of al-Nooree 10/416 and al-Balad al-Ameen wal-Dar' al-Haseen, p. 297, of Ibrahim bin Ali al-Aamilee al-Kaf'ami, d. 905H ) and in another narration (ولا يدرك ما عند الله إلا بهم) "... that which is with Allaah cannot be known except through them ..." (I'laam al-Waraa bi A'laam al-Hudaa p. 270, of al-Fadl bin Hasan al-Tabarsi, d. 548H) The Saying of al-Maazindaaree and al-Kulaynee Muhammad Saalih bin Ahmad al-Maazindaaree (d. 1081H) one of their Shaykhs, said (in Sharh Jaami' alal-Kaafee 2/272-273):
And one of the major Shaykhs, al-Kulaynee said (in al-Kaafee 1/265), in a chapter heading:
All of the above indicate that the Shia believe divine revelation never ceased after the death of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) but continued in the persons of their Imaams, whose sayings are considered the very saying of Allaah, the Exalted, in other words when they speak in matters of the religion, it is divine revelation. This is synonymous with how the Jewish Rabbis operate, considering themselves as divine authority on earth, and this is one of the scores of similarities between the deen of the Raafidah and the deen of the Jews. And there is no doubt that the intent behind this is to abolish and alter the deen and the akhaam of Islaam, and they fabricated lies, day and night, upon the Ahl al-Bayt as part of this evil design, and the one whom they lied most upon is Jafar al-Saadiq (radiallaahu anhu).