The Shia

Shaikh al-Albaanee on Suicide Bombings
Posted by Admin on Sunday, October, 26 2008 and filed under Articles
Key topics: Suicide Bombings

This is the statement of the prominent scholar of Hadeeth, Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee with regard to the suicide attacks carried out in the name of Islaam in contemporary times.

...Now we come to suicide attacks this is what we know from the Japanese and their likes (Kamikaze pilots) when a man would attack an America warship with his plane and he would blow up along with his plane but he would have struck the army that was in the American warship.

We say: Suicide attacks now, in the present time, all of them are not legislated (in the Sharee'ah), and all of them are unlawful, and they may be from those types (of suicide) on account of which its perpetrator will remain in the Fire forever. As for suicide attacks being a (form of) nearness by which a person comes closer to Allaah, then today a person fights in the path of his land, in the path of his nation . These suicide attacks are absolutely not Islamic.

This statement was compiled along with others in the book "Al-Fataawaa al-Muhimma Fee Tabseer il-Ummah" (Important Legal Verdict For The Education, Illumination of the Ummah, p.76). It is one of many condemnations from leading orthodox Muslim scholars regarding suicide bombings that take the lives of innocent civilians.