The Shia |
Uncovering the Hidden Realities of Hizbollah: Part 3 - Iranian Rafidi Shia Proxies in Other Lands - Bahrain Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Wednesday, September, 07 2011 and filed under General Key topics: Hizbollah Bahrain ![]() There are subsidiary branches (proxies) of Hizbollah in the Gulf states and the Arabian peninsula, all of them having the same aqidah and the same manhaj. Hizbollah in Bahrain
During the Iranian Rafidi Shia revolution (the one praised and lauded Abu A'laa Mawdudi, the Tahriris, and other misguided innovators) numerous parties were established external (to Iran), following the Iranian program and structure with the aim of widening the implementation of Iranian penetration via the Shia present in various regions. In Bahrain Haadee al-Madrasee formed the Islamic Front for Liberation of Bahrain (al-Jabhah al-Islamiyyah li Tahrir al-Bahrain), through the backing of Tehran. At the beginning it set out its objectives as follows: a) Bringing down and abolishing the rule of Aal Khalifah, b) Establish the Shia organizational structure in concordance with the revolutionary political structure of al-Khomeini in Iran and c) Making the country independent of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and tying it instead to the Iranian Republic. This (Shia) Islamic Front would issue and distribute Iranian magazines such as al-Sha'ab al-Thaa'ir, and al-Thawrah wal-Risalah, and the person responsible for all information and notification matters was Eesaa Marhoon. At the end of 1979 the Shia of Bahrain through the planning of the (Shia) Islamic Front began to organize demonstrations, and these were co-ordinated with the demonstrations of the Shia in Saudi Arabia in al-Qateef. In the tensions that followed, the Rafidis killed one of the leaders of the Bahraini intelligence and as a result the government clamped down and imprisoned numerous members of the Front. This led to the Front ceasing these demonstrations but they continued to plot their attempts at revolution. They began to traffic weapons to Bahrain and in 1981, under the leadership of Muhammad Taqi al-Madrasi, they attempted a revolution against the government. However, it was foiled and the government arrested 73 individuals suspected of involvement or supporting the perpetrators. In the mid-80s, after meetings with Iranian intelligence, the (Shia) Islamic Front, it was agreed that a military wing should be established for the Front with the name Hizbollah - Bahrain. Muhammad Ali Mahfudh, the overall leader of the Islamic Front, was tasked with recruiting 3000 Bahraini Shia into Hizbollah Bahrain and to train them in Iran and Lebanon. The leader of this new party was Abd al-Ameer al-Jamaree, and he was succeeded by Alee Salmaan. Haadee al-Madrasee, the spokesman for the (Shia) Islamic Front was the overall director for this party, giving it tactical support, and Muhammad Taqi al-Madrasee gave logistical support to the party. With the new party in place, it embarked upon organized and arranged plans to stir up tribulations and revolutions in the country and to wrestle control of certain regions and important facilities. Source: Adapted from Hizbullah al-Raafidee, Tarikh Aswad wa Iftiraa'aat (The Rafidi Hizbollah, a History of Darkness and Fabrications) of Sayyid Husayn al-Affaanee (Dar al-Affaanee, Cairo 1st edition, 1428H). Important Note
On a wider level, these activities of the Rafidah of Iran should be seen as an attempt by Twelver Shia, whose ancient roots are Magian (fire-worshippers), to dominate the Sunni Arab Gulf states, to whom they have centuries old-resentment because Islam came (through the Arabs) and dominated their lands and made insignificant their civilization. Historically, these Magian fire-worshippers simply adopted Shi'ism as a front in order to work to destroy Islam against whom they had the greatest of resentment, and essentially what we are seeing today of all of these activities by the Safawi Shia state of Iran is but a manifestation of that. Shi'ism was spread in what used to be called Persia by the Safavids (originally Sufis) between 1500 - 1700CE, and they conquered that land which consisted of large numbers of Zoroastrians, who then became Shia, whilst retaining their previous heritage. We hope to elaborate upon these matters in other articles inshaa'Allaah.