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Uncovering the Hidden Realities of Hizbollah: Part 4 - Iranian Rafidi Shia Proxies in Other Lands - Saudi Arabia
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in General
Hizbollah Hijaz
There are subsidiary branches (proxies) of Hizbollah in the Gulf states and the Arabian peninsula, all of them having the same aqidah and the same manhaj.
Hizbollah in Saudi Arabia
With the commencement of Khomeini's Rafidi revolution in Iran and taking of power in 1979, the Iranian government began to make insinuations and hints towards its followers in Saudi to initiate activities and revolts against the Saudi government. This encouragement led to what became known as the Shia revolution of al-Qateef in 1400H (1980), and slogans such as "Our foundation is Husaynee and our leader is Khomeini" and "Down with the Saudi government" and "Down with Fahd and Khalid" and similar slogans.
This movement of Shia was given reassurance, during the height of the Iranian revolution, that they would be given support, and that an organization would be set up for them whose protagonist and leader would be the Shia Shaykh Hasan al-Saffaar. This organization, when it came to be, was called (المنظمة الثورة الإسلامية لتحرير الجزيرة العربية) "Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula." The objectives of this organization can be summarized as follows, a) protecting the revolution in Iran and laying down foundations to initiate and spread it to other parts of the world (in this case Saudi) and b) liberation of the Arabian peninsula from a Sunni Islamic governance to a Shia governance loyal to Iran, based upon their view that the Saudi and other Gulf governments were taaghooti kaafir governments. This Shia organization considers itself a part of the Khomeini revolution and there are statements from Hasan al-Saffaar to this effect. This organization also has made numerous conditions (upon its external supporters from Iran), and from them: That there should be external support in terms of providing leadership and organizational support, both logistically and spiritually; that weapons be provided (since the revolution cannot be complete without them); the setting up of numerous other fronts and organizations that will spread the reach of the organization. This Saudi branch was initially co-ordinated from Iran, then from Damascus and finally from London, and in the 1980s it used to issue its publication called (الثورة الإسلامية) "The Islamic revolution."
However, when they realized that the name of this organization and the name of the magazine they were issuing and distributing was sensitive and would be counterproductive to their goals, and would not win them support, they changed the name in the beginning of 1991 to (الحركة الإصلاحية في الجزيرة العربية), "The Movement for Reform in the Arabian Peninsula." They also stopped distributing the magazine, "The Islamic Revolution" and replaced it with "Majallah al-Jazirah al-Arabiyyah" (The Arabian Peninsula Magazine). They also set up a publising house called Dar al-Safaa as a means to incite the Saudi society, and also as a means of leaking information to Western and Jewish organizations to be used as a means of attacking and demonizing Saudi, and there were connections between this group and certain Western politicians. This new magazine issued around 30 editions between January 1991 to mid-1993, and it was supported by many foreign elements all of whom had enmity for Saudi and wished tribulations to spread therein.
Seeing that from the avenues of reaching their goals was to set up many fronts (organizations), the Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula set up a committee for human rights but they wanted it to be far away and at the same time have strong connections with America because there were to be found many American and Jewish organizations there who could assist in disseminating propaganda based upon the lies and information leaked by the Raafida (in the name of human rights and "social justice"). So they set up "National Council for Human Rights in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula" and this council issued a magazine called "Arabia Monitor" in English and which began to spread fabrications, lies and exaggerations, all part of its revolutionary ideology. This magazine was overseen by Ja'far al-Shaab in Washington, Bu Khamseen and Saadiq al-Jabraan in London, all through the administration of the council itself. Tawfeeq al-Sayf was one of active participants in this council and he was the general directory of the Shia reform movement. The major figures in this council are as follows: Hasan al-Saffaar, founder, director of the council; Tawfeeq al-Sayf; Hamzah al-Hasan, head of the magazine; Mirza al-Khuwailidee, responsible for the publishing wing, Dar al-Safaa. There were numerous others such as Aadil Salman, Habeeb Ibraaheem, Fu'aad Ibraaheem, Muhammad al-Husayn, Zakee al-Meelaad, Eesaa al-Maz'al, Ja'far al-Shaayib, Saadiq al-Jabraan and Fawzee al-Sayf.
However, around 1993-1994 following tensions, an agreement was reached between this movement and the Saudi government that all of their offices outside of Saudi should be closed and likewise all magazines and newsletters issued by them, and likewise to cease all external political activity and to cut off ties with foreign Jewish organizations. However, after the unveiling of the attempts to extend the Iranian revolution to Saudi - and because these people all operate upon tuqyah (deception) in both religion and politics - many of these individuals returned to Saudi to continue their operations from within, whilst the rest remained outside to continue with what they had started. Their activities continued until their leader Hasan al-Saffaar made veiled threats in October 2006 stating that if Shia demands are not meant that there might be bombings (out of discontent) similar to what the Shia did in 1400H (1980) and likewise in 1407H (1987) in Makkah and other places.
The Military Wing: Hizbollah al-Hijaaz
After the mid-1980s, around 1987, a military wing was set up for the Islamic Revolutionary Party For Liberation of the Arabic Peninsula, and it was agreed that it would be called Hizbollah al-Hijaaz. This group took charge of performing terrorist activities in Saudi and collaborating with Iranian revolutionary agents to co-ordinate terrorism and strife during the season of Hajj. The formation of this group was through Iranian intelligence officer Ahmad Shareefee and a number of Saudi Shia who were studying in Qum (Iran) were recruited. Due to personal differences there were some tensions between these two groups (Hizbollah and the original parent party) and Ahmad Shareefee was tasked with keeping the Hizbollah separate from Revolutionary Party, whilst giving military support to Hizbollah.
In 1407H (1987) Hizbollah al-Hijaz worked with Iranian agents to stir up a big demonstration through which they intended to kill pilgrims and to destroy buildings and to stir up turmoil in al-Masjid al-Haram and other sanctified places. In 1996CE (1417H) individuals from Hizbollah al-Hijaz were behind the bombings in al-Khobar. They planted the bombs and then fled in getaway cars. Those directly responsible and those supporting this operation were the following: Haani al-Saayigh, Mustafaa al-Qassaab, Ja'far al-Shuwaykhaat, Ibraaheem al-Ya'qub, Ali al-Hawree, Abd al-Kareem al-Naasir, Ahmad al-Maghsal. The persons responsible for the military wing and organizing leaders of the bombing in al-Khobar were Husain Aal Mughees, Abd Allaah al-Juraash, and Shaykh Sa'eed al-Bahhaar, and Shaykh Abd al-Jaleel al-Sameen. Hani al-Saayigh was captured in Canada and was brought back to Saudi, and Abd al-Kareem al-Naasir, Ahmad al-Maghsal, Ibraaheem al-Ya'qub and Alee al-Hawree fled to Iran, and Ja'far al-Shuwaykhaat fled from Syria after it was conveniently announced that he had committed suicide in prison (following his apprehension and imprisonment)! It has been suggested that he was killed by Syrian intelligence on order of the Iranians for fear that he might leak important information about the bombings.
As for their most important religious leaders, they are Shaykh Ja'far Alee al-Mubaarak, Abd al-Kareem Kaadhim al-Hubayl and Haashim al-Shakhs, and these three are referred to as "Hujjah al-Islam wal-Muslimeen" indicating the position they have with Saudi Shia. All of these groups of people have connections with the Iranian Rafidis from whom they receive support and training to implement their goals of abolishing the Sunni Islamic government and replacing it with one loyal to Iran. This group continues its activities today under the slogans of human rights, social justice, and spreads propaganda whose aim is to stir up sedition and clashes with the government.
Source: Adapted from Hizbullah al-Raafidee, Tarikh Aswad wa Iftiraa'aat (The Rafidi Hizbollah, a History of Darkness and Fabrications) of Sayyid Husayn al-Affaanee (Dar al-Affaanee, Cairo 1st edition, 1428H).
Important Notes About the Rafidah Shia and the Kharijites
We are going to develop a theme in other articles with respect to the Sab'iyyah (followers of Abdullah bin Saba') who were involved in the early tribulations in Islam (the revolution against Uthmaan, the fighting of al-Jamal) and with respect to some of the heads of the Khawaarij, and we will learn that the Khawarij were an outgrowth from the fitnah initiated by the Sab'iyyah, and that some of the heads of the Khawaarij were Sab'iyyah, and whilst there are clear differences between the Sab'iyyah Rafidah and the Khawaarij, there are commonalities between them from certain respects. This is important for us to understand because it will help us to learn about the stark realities of the Raafidah and the Khawaarij of today whose enmity against the state of Saudi Arabia (against its rulers and its scholars) with their nifaaq and shiqaaq, their doubts and propaganda, and so on, will become clear, by Allaah's permission. This is within the wider context and appreciation of the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah that Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is the Seal of the Messengers. The Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah mention amongst the significant issues that arise from this belief in the finality of prophethood is that unlike previous nations, where the Prophets themselves would manage the affairs of the people (as in terms of their politics), in this Ummah, because of the finality of prophethood of Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and the finality of revelation, the scholars and rulers are left with this task, and it is Allaah's decree that there will never cease to be a group from his Ummah manifestly upon the truth and that he will send at the head of every century, one who will revive his religion and what is similar to that in the texts which indicate this meaning. This is because the scholars and the rulers embody (for this Ummah) what the Prophets embodied for their nations in terms of knowledge and regulation of the affairs in their time, and this is how it has been decreed for this Ummah, since its revelation and its deen has been completed and perfected. As such, we find extensive guidance in the Book and the Sunnah as to how to behave with the scholars and rulers and in particular because unlike the Prophets, the scholars and rulers are prone to error (in matters of religion). So we find a clearly defined methodology in that regard.
And whenever the Tawhid of Allaah is established in a society, and upon it, the Shariah, then the enemies appear with their secret and hidden plots of belittling and destroying the authorities therein of a) knowledge and b) political power, so that they can put an end to it [Flashback: Jamil al-Rahman al-Afghani, Kunar], or pursue their own personal interests (such as seeking of power for themselves). And within these schemes and plots the people of desires are drawn in to the tribulation with their own personal interests and in turn the ignorant rabble, the filth, the dirt and low-life scum and dregs of society are mobilized and it becomes an open field for every follower of desires to come out in the open. Thus did the Sab'iyyah plot to undermine the authorities of knowledge and power in the time, the Companions, the Khulafaa. And just as the Sab'iyyah were behind that fitnah and were also part of the Khawaarij who emerged shortly after, we see a similar manifestation of this turmoil in the twentieth century when an ignorant thinker [poisoned for much of his life with the materialist philosophies of 19th century secular atheist Jews who raised the banner of Ibn Saba' (of social justice) in Europe] began to write books with that same slogan of "social justice" and began to attack Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) and praised and lauded the revolution against Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) as a revolution manifesting "the true Islamic spirit" and describing the people behind it as "driven by the true Islamic spirit" [whereas the Muslim scholars (al-Dhahabi, al-Nawawi, Ibn Sa'd and others) described them as "low-life," "evil," "scum", their words], and he claimed Islam is a blend of that social justice of Communism (and bits of Christianity) and he incorporated some of its foundational principles into his books. And he did not stop there but made takfir of the choicest of Companions, Abu Sufyaan, Hind Mu'awiyyah and others. Then the Sab'iyyah Rafidah of Iran used his works to mobilize a revolution in Iran and worked to implemement the same in other lands in Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi Arabia by setting up their proxies, just like Ibn Saba' would enlist support from the dregs of society of the various regions (Iraq, Eypt) in that time through the sending of secret messages in order to undermine the state of Tawhid and Sunnah. And following these tribulations which these Rafidis stirred up against the land of Tawhid and Sunnah in the 1980s in the wake of their Rafidi revolution [led by Khomeini (friend of Mawdudi) and al-Khameini (translator of Qutb's works)], there appeared the Kharijites with their well-known slogans in the 90s, and they were all nurtured upon the books of that same ignorant thinker about whom the greatest of the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah (Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin, Shaykh al-Fawzan) said that if he was alive they would have made takfir upon him or demanded his repentance, and others (Shaykh Ismaa'eel al-Ansaree) actually made takfir of him. So they began to undermine the authority of the scholars and rulers in order to undermine them and rouse the sentiments against them. And so the scholars were belittled and scorned ("knowing nothing but the rulings of women's menses" "mummified bodies of a long gone age"), the aim being to tear the youth away from them, and the rulers (of Saudi) were accused of making istihlaal of ribaa and of tabdeel of the Sharia and other such lies none of which were accepted or corroborated by the Imaams of the Sunnah in that land, rather these lies were refuted by the greatest of Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah (Shaykh Ibn Baz, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin, Shaykh al-Albaanee, Shaykh al-Fawzan, Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin, Shaykh Salih Aal al-Shaykh, Shaykh Abdal Aziz Aal al-Shaykh and many others). And upon this takfiri, khariji nurturing, a few years later the terrorist attacks (by the Kharijites) began (from the late 90s till this day), augmenting the sedition of the Rawaafid, creating more turmoil in the land. But we will leave the disgraces of these people for another place inshaa'Allaah, because they exposed their ownselves, some of them now call for understanding with the enemies of Allaah, the Raafidah, and others exposed themselves as conniving, dishonest liars in live TV and radio broadcasts in front of the people at large as happened with Safar al-Hawali... (which we shall document elsewhere)... but the intent here is to illustrate the lessons in history. For now we are going to leave you with a number of statements, so here they are:
The first: From Imaam Abd al-Aziz bin Baz (rahimahullaah), who said (see here):
ومن أبز هؤلاء الدعاة المصلحين الإمام الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب مجدد القرن الثاني عشر الهجري رحمه الله الذي وفقه الله للقيام بدعوة إصلاحية عظيمة أعادت للإسلام في الجزيرة العربية قوته وصفاءه ونفوذه وطهر الله به الجزيرة من الشرك والبدع، وهداهم به إلى الصراط المستقيم. وامتدت آثار هذه الدعوة المباركة إلى أجزاء كثيرة من العالم الإسلامي وتأثر بها عدد من العلماء والمصلحين فيه، وكان من أقوى أسباب نجاح هذه الدعوة أن هيأ الله لها حكاما آمنوا بها ونصروها وآزروا دعاتها، ذلكم هم الحكام من آل سعود بدءاً من الإمام المجاهد محمد بن سعود رحمه الله مؤسس الدولة السعودية ثم أبنائه وأحفاده من بعده.
إن دعوة الإمام الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله هي الدعوة الإسلامية التي دعا إليها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وصحابته الكرام وسلف هذه الأمة الصالح، ولهذا نجحت وحققت أثارا عظيمة رغم كثرة أعدائها ومعارضيها في العالم الإسلامي أثناء قيامها وذلك مصداقاً لقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: لا تزال طائفة من أمتي على الحق ظاهرين لا يضرهم من خذلهم ولا من خالفهم حتى يأتي أمر الله
وهذه الدعوة وإن كانت سلسلة دعوة الإصلاح ومرتبطة بمذهب السلف الصالح، السابق لها؛ ولم تخرج عنه إلا أنها تستحق المزيد من الدراسة والعناية وتبصير الناس بها؛ لأن الكثير من الناس لا يزال جاهلا حقيقتها، ولأنها أثمرت ثمرات عظيمة لم تحصل على يد مصلح قبله بعد القرون المفضلة، وذلك لما ترتب عليها من قيام مجتمع يحكمه الإسلام، ووجود دولة تؤمن بهذه الدعوة وتطبق أحكامها تطبيقاً صافياً نقياً في جميع أحوال الناس في العقائد والأحكام والعادات والحدود والاقتصاد وغير ذلك، مما جعل بعض المؤرخين لهذه الدعوة يقول: إن التاريخ الإسلامي بعد عهد الرسالة والراشدين لم يشهد التزاما تاما بأحكام الإسلام كما شهدته الجزيرة العربية في ظل الدولة السعودية التي أيدت هذه الدعوة ودافعت عنها. ولا تزال هذه البلاد والحمد لله تنعم بثمرات هذه الدعوة أمنا واستقرارا ورغدا في العيش وبعدا عن البدع والخرافات التي أضرت بكثير من البلاد الإسلامية حيث انتشرت فيها
And from the most prominent of those rectifying callers was the Imaam, the Shaykh, Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab, the reviver of the 12th century hijra (may Allaah have mercy upon him), the one whom Allaah granted success in a great da'wah of rectification which returned to Islaam in the Arabian peninsula its strenth, purity and penetration, and Allaah cleansed the peninsula from shirk and innovations through it, and guided them to the straight path by it. The effects of this blessed call extended to many other parts of the Islamic world and many of the scholars and rectifiers were affected by it. Amongst the strongest reasons for the success of this da'wah was that Allaah prepared rulers for it who believed in it, aided it and supported its callers. And they are the rulers of Aal Saud, beginning from the Imaam, Muhammad bin Saud (rahimahullaah) the founder of the Saudi state, then his sons and grandsons after him.
The da'wah of the Imaam, the Shaykh, Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) is the Islamic da'wah which the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), his noble Companions and the righteous Salaf of this nation called to. For this reason, it was successful and it brought about great effects despite the abundance of its enemies and opponents in the Islamic world during (the da'wahs) establishment. This (success in the da'wah) is a verification of the saying of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), "There will not cease to be a group from my nation, manifestly upon the truth, those who desert them or oppose them will not harm them, until the command of Allaah arrives."
And although this da'wah is simply part of the chain of the da'wah of rectification and is connected to the madhhab of the Salaf prior to it and does not depart from it, it still needs to additional study and concern, and enlightening the people about it because many people continue to remain ignorant about it, and because it has borne great fruits which have been been achieved by any rectifier before it, after the first three virtuous generations. This is because of what resulted from it of a society that is judged by Islam, and the presence of a state that believes in this da'wah, and implements its rulings (ahkaam) with a pure, clean implementation in all of the affairs of the people, in beliefs, in rulings, in habitual (dealings), in prescribed punishments, economy and other than that. And this is what has led some of the historians for this da'wah to say that in Islamic history after the messengership and the rightly-guided (caliphs) there has not been witnessed a complete adherence to the rulings of Islaam as has been witnessed in the Arabian peninsula in the shade of the Saudi state which aided this da'wah and defended it. And this land has not ceased, by Allaah's praise, to enjoy the benefits of this da'wah in terms of safety, security, establishment, plentifulness in livelihood and being far-removed from innovations and deviations which have harmed many Islamic lands where they have spread...
This is in contrast to the lies of the neo-Kharijites who were upon the doctrines of that aforementioned ignorant thinker of takfir of all nations upon the claim that absence of 100% Shariah rule in all affairs and the presence of something of secular laws in a nation is kufr and apostasy, without tafseel. And whilst we do not claim perfection for this country, a person ought to beware of the lies and propaganda of both the Raafidah and the Khawaarij - for they are liars in much of what they claim - and they have shubuhaat (doubts and misconceptions) which the scholars have demolished and whose treatment is for another place.
The second: Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee said in his book (المحجة البيضاءفي حماية السنة الغراء من زلات أهل الاخطاء و زيغ أهل الأهوا), pages 9-10, speaking of how he various factions come out in the name of "justice":
ولقد شاهدنا من الواقع ومن التاريخ العبر، ولا معتبر، ولا متعظ إلا من رحم ربك . ومنها : أن كل صاحب فتنة، وكل داعٍ إلى ضلالة، يرفع بقوة شعار العدل، والعدالة، الانصاف فالثورة على الخليفة الراشد، بل على الإسلام، كانت باسم العدالة. وثورة المختار بن أبي عبيد الزنديق، كانت باسم العدالة والإنصاف. وثورة أبي مسلم الخـراسـاني كانت تحت شعار العدالة وإزالة الظلم. والحركات الماسونية، كانت تحمل شعار العدالة، والمساواة، والحرية. والثورات الشيوعية كانت تحمل هذه الشعارات . وكلها خِدَع، وشعارات كاذبة، يفضح الله أصحابها، ويكشف أستارهم، ويخزيهم في الدنيا قبل الآخره
And we have observed lessons from reality and from history, and there is no one reflecting and no one taking admonition except those upon whom Allaah has shown mercy and from them [these lessons] are: That every person of fitnah (tribulation, trouble), and every caller to misguidance, raises with all strength, the slogan of fairness and justice and equity. The revolution (led by Abdullah bin Saba') against the righteous caliph [Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu)], rather against Islaam, was in the name of justice. The revolution of al-Mukhtar bin Abee Ubayd, the heretic, was in the name of justice and equity. The revolution of Abu Muslim al-Khurasaanee was under the slogan of justice and stopping oppression (injustice). And the Freemasonic movements, they carried the slogan of "justice", "equality" and "freedom". And the Communist revolution was also under these slogans. And all of them are deception, and deceitful (lying) slogans, may Allaah expose those calling with them, and uncover their veils, and humiliate them in this life before the hereafter.
For clarification, al-Mukhtar bin Abi Ubayd al-Thaqafi was upon the doctrines of Abdullah bin Saba' and had followers from the Sab'iyyah, and people like al-Mukhtar were the precursors for the Baatinee movements.
And the third: Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee said in his lesson delivered on 14/11/2009, speaking about the Hoothees (Rafidi Shi'ah of Yemen), and about factions of people across the world who supported this tribulation:
هل هناك مسلم في قلبه مثقال ذرة من إيمان يؤيد الفتن على المسلمين في مثل هذا الوقت؟!!! لا و الله، و الله لا يؤيد هذا مسلم و لا يبرر له مسلم و يكفي هذه الفئة مع فئة الخوارج أنهم تحالفوا جنباً إلى جنب مع الخوارج المارقة و مع الشيوعيين و مع غيرهم من الفئات الباغية المارقة ، فانتبهوا و احذروا و كونوا منصفين مدركين لما يُحاك للإسلام و المسلمين، كونوا عقلاء، لا تكونوا عاطفيين تأخذكم العواطف تأيدون حثالة خلفها الموساد الصهيوني وخلفها الماسونية العالمية و خلفها الكفر العالمي يطبل لها من قريب و من بعيد، و لا تغركم دعاوى العداوة المفتعلة بين الصهيونية و بين تلك الفئات فإنهم أصدقاء منذ فتنة عبد الله بن سبأ و إلى يومنا هذا، فالمؤمن كيس فطن لا ينطلي عليه هذا الهراء و لا هذه الخزعبلات و لا هذه الخرافات، {وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ } فاطر : 43
Is there a Muslim in whose heart there is an atom's weight of faith who supports the tribulations against the Muslims in the likes of this time?!!! By Allaah, no! By Allaah a Muslim does not support this, and nor does a Muslim justify it. And sufficient is this faction with the faction of the Khawaarij that a side of them allied with a side of the renegade Khawaarij and with the Communists and with others besides them amongst the rebelling, renegade factions. So beware, and take caution and be fair and perceptive with regard to what is being stirred against Islam and the Muslims. Be intelligent, and do not be sentimentalists who are taken by sentiments, supporting scum behind whom is the Zionist Mossad and behind whom is world Freemasonry, and behind which is world disbelief, drum-beating (against Islam) from near and from far. Do not be deceived by the claims of that artificial enmity between the Zionists and those groups (the Khawaarij. Rawaafid), for they are friends, ever since the time of Abdullaah bin Saba' until this day of ours. Thus, the Muslim is shrewd, intelligent, he should not be deceived by this idle chatter, and nor by these fibs and deviations, "But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it" (Fatir 35:43)
Reflect upon all of these statements as they contain wisdom and insight and they illustrate the difference between true scholars with deep-rooted knowledge (having age, experience and grey beards) and agitated, short-sighted, newly-arisen foolish-minded Kharijites who barely hit their forties when they thought they will somehow become "Islam's saviours" and whose falsehood was exposed by Allaah's decree indicating that they knew nothing of the waaqi' (current affairs) and were in fact the most ignorant of the ignorant in reality.
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