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Some Necessary Historical Background
Before we start citing from what is in the books of the Shia it is vital that we explain a bit of history here. Inshaa'Allaah we will cover this in a separate article in more detail, but here we need to give at least some background so that the content of this article is much better appreciated and so that it can be put into context and grasped in the right way. So we say (very briefly, summarizing from what is found in the history books): On the Reality of the Ascription of the Shia to Ahl al-Bayt
That which is prominent with the Shia is their claim of exclusivity with the Ahl al-Bayt. The entire Shia madhhab is founded upon love of the Ahl al-Bayt and disavowal of the Companions, at the head of them the three caliphs and Aa'isha bin Abi Bakr. And this is rooted in the minds of all of the Shia, their old and young, their scholar and their ignorant, their male and female, and they believe that the Companions wronged Ahl al-Bayt, spilt their blood and made the (violation of their) sanctities permissible and that Ahl al-Sunnah specified enmity towards Ahl al-Bayt. However, their books tell a different story. They mention the grievance, complaint of the Ahl al-Bayt (salawaat Allaah alayhim) against their Shia (faction, party), and they mention what the first Shia did to the Ahl al-Bayt, and they mention who spilt the blood of Ahl al-Bayt (alayhim as-salaam) and who caused their murder and permitting (the violation) of their sanctities. Here we will bring some citations from their works that make the affair clear. Amir al-Mu'mineen Ali and the Shia The saying of Ali (radiallaahu anhu) from al-Kaafee (8/338):
قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: لو ميزت شيعتي لما وجدتـهم إلا واصفة، ولو امتحنتهم لما وجدتـهم إلا مرتدين، ولو تمحصتهم لما خلص من الألف واحد
Amir al-Mu'mineen (alayhis salaam) said: If I was to distinguish my Shia (those claiming to be of Ali's "party") I would not have found them except as Waasifah (intent unclear), and if I was to examine them, I would not find them except as apostates, and if I was to purify them, not even one in a thousand would be purified. (al-Kaafee,al-Rawdah 8/338). Also the saying of Ali (radiallaahu anhu) from Nahj al-Balaaghah (pp. 70-71):
يا أشباه الرجال ولا رجال، حلوم الأطفال وعقول ربات الحجال، لوددت أني لم أركم ولم أعرفكم معرفة جرت والله ندماً وأعقبت صدماً.. قاتلكم الله لقد ملأتم قلبي قيحاً، وشحنتم صدري غيظاً، وجرعتموني نغب التهام أنفاساً، وأفسدتم علي رأيي بالعصيان والخذلان، حتى لقد قالت قريش: إن ابن أبي طالب رجل شجاع ولكن لا علم له بالحرب، ولكن لا رأي لمن لا يطاع
O [you] who resemble men but are not men, [having] the discernment of children and the minds of ladies. I love that had not seen you and not known you, an acquaintance that has brought about, by Allaah, remorse and shock. May Allaah fight you, for you have filled my heart with purulence, and you have loaded my heart with rage, and you have made me to swallow air convulsively. By your disobedience and abandonment (of me) you have corrupted the view of me, until the Quraysh have stated, "Ibn Abi Taalib is a brave man but he has not knowledge of war, and there is no (room for the) opinion of the one who is not given obedience. And then again from Ali (radiallahu anhu), also from Nahj al-Balaaghah (p. 142):
وقال لهم موبخاً: منيت بكم بثلاث، واثنتين: صم ذوو أسماع، وبكم ذوو كلام، وعمي ذوو أبصار، لا أحرار صدق عند اللقاء، ولا إخوان ثقة عند البلاء
And he also said to them, in rebuke: I have been afflicted with three and two. [By] the deaf who have hearing, the dumb who have speech, and the blind who have eyes. Neither purely truthful in meeting and nor trustworthy brethren in calamity. Al-Husayn and the Shia From al-Husayn, through their figurehead, al-Shaykh al-Mufeed from his book al-Irshaad (p. 241):
وقال الإمام الحسين عليه السلام في دعائه على شيعته: اللهم إن متعتهم إلى حين ففرقهم فرقاً، واجعلهم طرائق قدداً، ولا ترض الولاة عنهم أبداً، فإنـهم دعونا لينصرونا ثم عدوا علينا فقتلونا
And Imaam al-Husayn (alayhis salam) said in his supplication against the Shia: O Allaah if you make them to enjoy for a while, then split them with a splitting, and make them of divergent paths (amongst themselves), and do not make their rulers happy over them ever, for verily they invited us to support us, but then they showed enmity towards us and killed us. And al-Husayn's other supplication against the Shia (al-Ihtijaaj 2/24):
وقد خاطبهم مرة أخرى ودعا عليهم، فكان مما قال: لكنكم استسرعتم إلى بيعتنا كطيرة الدبا، وتـهافتم كتهافت الفراش، ثم نقضتموها سفهاً وبعداً وسحقاً لطواغيت هذه الأمة وبقية الأحزاب ونبذة الكتاب، ثم انتم هؤلاء تتخاذلون عنا وتقتلوننا، ألا لعنة الله على الظالمين
And he addressed them another time and supplicated against them and from what he said was: But you hasten to pledge allegiance to us like birds, and you flock together like the flocking of moths, then you annul it. May foolishness, remoteness and destruction be for the taaghoots of this Ummah, the remnants of the factions and the throwers of the Book (behind their backs). Then you fail us and fight against us, may the curse of Allaah be upon the oppressors. Then he says:
وهذه النصوص تبين لنا من هم قتلة الحسين الحقيقيون، إنـهم شيعته أهل الكوفة، أي أجدادنا، فلماذا نحمل أهل السنة مسؤولية مقتل الحسين عليه السلام؟!
And these texts make clear to us who are the killers of al-Husayn in reality, they are his Shia, the people of Kufah, menaing our (very own) ancestors. So why do you make Ahl al-Sunnah bear the responsibility of the killing of al-Husayn (alayhis salaam). And al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Ameen said in his book A'yaan al-Shia (1st section, p. 34)
ولهذا قال السيد محسن الأمين: بايع الحسين من أهل العراق عشرون ألفاً، غدروا به وخرجوا عليه وبيعته في أعناقهم، وقتلوه
And for this reason al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Ameen said: Twenty-thousand from the people of Iraq pledged allegiance to al-Husayn, then they were treacherousto him and revolted against him whilst their pledge was still upon their necks, and they killed him. Al-Hasan and the Shia Then the statement of al-Hasan bin Ali (radiallaahu anhu) about the Shia (from the work al-Ihtijaaj 2/10):
أرى والله معاوية خيراً لي من هؤلاء يزعمون أنـهم لي شيعة، ابتغوا قتلي وأخذوا مالي، والله لأن آخذ من معاوية ما أحقن به من دمي وآمن به في أهلي خير من أن يقتلوني فيضيع أهل بيتي، والله لو قاتلت معاوية لأخذوا بعنقي حتى يدفعوا بي إليه سلماً، ووالله لأن أسالمه وأنا عزيز خير من أن يقتلني وأنا أسير
By Allaah, I consider that Mu'awiyah is better for me than those woh claim they are a party (shia) to me. They desired to kill me, and they took my wealth. By Allaah that I take from Mu'awiyah that by which I can spare my blood and be assured with respect to my family is better for me than that they should kill me and cause my family to waste. By Allaah (even) if I fought Mu'awiyah they would have taken me by my neck until they brought me to him in peace, and by Allaah that I make peace with him whilst I am strong and cherished is better than them killing me whilst I am captive. Ali bin al-Husayn (Zayn al-Aabideen) Then the saying of Ali bin al-Husayn who is addressing the people of Kufah (who are the Shia), quoting from al-Ihtijaaj (2/32):
هل تعلمون أنكم كتبتم إلى أبي وخدعتموه وأعطيتموه من أنفسكم العهد والميثاق ثم قاتلتموه وخذلتموه .. بأي عين تنظرون إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وهو يقول لكم: قاتلتم عترتي وانتهكتم حرمتي فلستم من أمتي
Do you know that you wrote to my father and you deceived him and give yourselves to him in a pledge and covenant, then you fought him and abandoned him ... with which eye will you look towards the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi) whilst he says to you: You killed my family, and you violated my sanctity so you are not from me. And also his saying (al-Ihtijaaj 2/29):
إن هؤلاء يبكون علينا فمن قتلنا غيرهم؟
Those people cry over us but who fought (and killed) us but them? Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Husayn (al-Baaqir) Then the saying of Muhammad bin Ali his saying, as occurs in Rijaal al-Kashi (p. 79):
لو كان الناس كلهم لنا شيعة لكان ثلاثة أرباعهم بنا شكاكاً والربع الآخر أحمق
If all of the people were party (shia) to us, three-quarters of them would doubt us and the fourth quarter would be fools. Fatima al-Sughraa and Zaynab bint Ali Then the saying of Fatimah bint al-Husayn bin Ali, in her khutbah to the people of Kufah, as occurs in al-Ihtijaaj (2/28):
يا أهل الكوفة، يا أهل الغدر والمكر والخيلاء، إنا أهل البيت ابتلانا الله بكم، وابتلاكم بنا فجعل بلاءنا حسناً .. فكفرتمونا وكذبتمونا ورأيتم قتالنا حلالاً وأموالنا نـهباً .. كما قتلتم جدنا بالأمس، وسيوفكم تقطر من دمائنا أهل البيت .. تباً لكم فانتظروا اللعنة والعذاب فكأن قد حل بكم .. ويذيق بعضكم بأس ما تخلدون في العذاب الأليم يوم القيامة بما ظلمتمونا، ألا لعنة الله على الظالمين. تباً لكم يأهل الكوفة، كم قرأت لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قبلكم، ثم غدرتم بأخيه علي بن أبي طالب وجدي، وبنيه وعترته الطيبين.
فرد علينا أحد أهل الكوفة مفتخراً فقال:
O people of Kufah, O people of treachery, conniving, and plotting. Allaah has tested us, the Ahl al-Bayt, through you, and he has put you to trial with us, and He made out trial to be good... but you disbelieved and rejected us, and you considered fighting us to be lawful and our wealth to be pillage (loot) ... just as you killed our grandfather only yesterday your swords dribble with our blood, the Ahl al-Bayt... may you perish, so await the curse and punishment for it is as if it has befallen you already ... and may you taste the harm of the painful torment of the Day of Judgement for your oppression against us. May the curse of Allaah be upon the oppressors. May you perish O people of Kufah. How much have I read of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi) before you, then you were treacherous to his brother Ali bin Abi Taalib, my grandfather and to his Prophet and his good family. And then the saying of Zaynab bint Ali bin Abi Talib, rebuking the people of Kufah (al-Ihtijaaj 2/29-30):
أما بعد يا أهل الكوفة، يا أهل الختل والغدر والخذل .. إنما مثلكم كمثل التي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة أنكاثاً، هل فيكم إلا الصلف والعجب والشنف والكذب .. أتبكون أخي؟! أجل والله فابكوا كثيراً واضحكوا قليلاً فقد ابليتم بعارها .. وانى ترخصون قتل سليل خاتم النبوة
To proceed, O people of Kufah, O people of deception, treachery and desertion ... your example is like she who spins (yarn) only to break it after its strength. Is there anything in you but bragging, amazement, rank hatred and lying ... do you cry for my brother?! Yes, by Allaah, cry much and laugh little, for you have been put to trial through its infamy ... and how do you consider cheap the killing of the descendant of the Seal of the Prophethood. Comments on The Above
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