Tuesday, 22 October 2024   

ABOUT THIS SITE All Sunni and Shia authorities (till 1300H/1900CE) are united upon the existence and reality of Abd Allaah bin al-Saba who played a role in stirring up a revolution against Uthman bin Affan (radiallaahu anhu), claiming Ali (radiallaahu anhu) was the more worthy and legitimate ruler. He eventually claimed Ali is Allaah himself. Within this historical background, the foundations of the doctrines of the Shia were laid down such as ascribing Lordship (Rububiyyah) to their Imaams, making the concept of Imaamah a central pillar of the religion, making Takfir of the Companions, making claims of an incomplete and tampered with Qur'an amongst others. Today the Shia are present in many Muslim lands and the Raafidee state of Iran sponsors much of the propaganda against the people of tawhid and Sunnah as part of a wider agenda to eliminate Ahl al-Sunnah and to replace the Sunnis with themselves. This involves the use of proxies in other lands such as Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen. The picture is of a "mobile" mock shrine (of a member of the Ahl al-Bayt) through which simple commoners are defrauded of their money with the lure of receiving aid, rescue, benefit and intercession through the deceased.

Shiite Fatwa for Killing of Sunni Muslims ('Impure Wahhabis') as a Means of Entering Paradise
In the clip below, the Shiite speaker presents a verdict for the killing of "ever impure Wahhabi" in return for which the doors of Paradise will be opened for every Shiite who undertakes this act. Shiism is fundamentally a revolutionary mindset aimed at overthrowing the carriers of that particular ... Read more »

Sedition Instigator: NImr Al-Nimr Convicted and Executed for Terrorism Offences
Nimr al-Nimr is a follower of Al-Khomeini's doctrine of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guardianship of the Jurist) which asserts divine authority for a supreme spiritual leader in the absense of the alleged awaited Mahdi who upon his arrival will slaughter Sunni Muslims and wrestle control of Makkah and Madinah. ... Read more »

A Glimpse Upon Some Core Raafidi Doctrines: The Devil's Deception of the Raafidah Shee'ah
The Devil's Deception Of The Raafidah Shee'ah This eight page booklet covers some of the core doctrines of the deen of the Raafidah Shee'ah from their own source works. Prepared by Abu Khadeejah Abd al-Waahid Introduction: From the greatest of evils present, those which corrupt one's Imaan, ... Read more »

Between Naseer Al-Shirk Al-Toosee and Badr Al-Din Al-Hoothee: Lessons From History
Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) recounts to us the doings of Naseer al-Shirk al-Toosee in Ighaathat al-Lahafaan (Dar Ibn al-Jawzee, pp 1014-1015): And then when the shift (of duty) came to Naseer al-Shirk wal-Kufr (the aider of shikr and kufr), the heretic, the minister of heretics, al-Naseer al-Toosee, ... Read more »

Houthi Shia Criminal Aggression and War Crimes Reported in the Press
The following appeared on al-Sharq al-Awsat (online edition). Iranian news agencies are working hard to counter these types of reports through false propaganda involving claims Takfiri militants congregating at Dar al-Hadith in Dammaaj (). Yemen mediator says Dammaj fighting includes "war crime" Government ... Read more »

Iranian News Agencies Spreading False Propanda Against Students of Dammaaj
Iranian news agencies have - for the past year at least - been spreading false propaganda against Dar al-Hadith Dammaaj, claiming that "Takfiri militants" are arriving in the region to attack al-Houthi Shias. In a typical recent propaganda piece from the Ahlul Bayt News Agency makes dated 30/10/2013 ... Read more »

What Is the Foundation of the Saying of the Raafidah?
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah stated in Majmu' al-Fataawaa (3/356), summarizing the essence of the saying of the Raafidah Shi'ah: أصل قول الرافضة : أن النبي (صلى ... Read more »

The Shia of Kufah Deceived, Deserted, Ambushed and Murdered the Grandson of the Prophet Al-Husayn, His Brothers and His Children and Took Their Women as Captives
In this article we will sketch out some historical details which are based overwhelmingly upon Shia sources and outline the build up to the oppressive and unjust murder of al-Husayn, and then look at these Shia sources to see who actually murdered al-Husayn. These books include: al-Shia wal-Aashooraa ... Read more »

The Shia Believe Revelation Continued After the Messenger and the Saying of Their Imaams Is the Saying of Allaah
The Shia scholar, Muhammad Aal Kaashif al-Ghitaa said in his book (أصل الشيعة) "The Foundation of the Shia" (p. 77): The wisdom of gradual (revelation) required the presentation of some of the rulings but concealment of others which he (alayhis ... Read more »

The Virtues of Aa'ishah Al-Siddiqah, Daughter of Abu Bakr: Part 3 - A Scholar for the Companions
She is Aa'ishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr (radiallahu anhu) (see his lineage ) through Umm Roomaan bint Aamir bin Uwaymir bin Abd Shams bin Itaab bin Udhaynah bin Subay' bin Dahmaan bin al-Haarith bin al-Ghanam bin Maalik al-Kinaaniyyah, and she was born after the messengership by around four years ... Read more »

A Revealing Glimpse at the Doctrines of the Nusayriyyah (Alawi) Sect
A broad overview of the various Shia sects was discussed in an earlier article (), and the following diagram was presented for a birdseye view of what exists from them today: In that article we mentioned the following brief words about the Nusayrees: They are an extreme splinter group ... Read more »

Kuwaiti Rafidi Yasir Al-Habib: Celebrating the Death of Aa'ishah Al-Siddiqah
Reason For Attacking Aa'ishah (radiallaahu anhaa) We thought long and hard about posting this article and when we realized that the contemporary Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah do not refrain from mentioning the vile insults of the Rafidi Shites against the Companions and the Wives of the Prophet (sallallaahu ... Read more »

Uncovering the Hidden Realities of Hizbollah: Part 5 - The Hoothees in Yemen
There are subsidiary branches (proxies) of Hizbollah in the Gulf states and the Arabian peninsula, all of them having the same aqidah and the same manhaj. Hizbollah in Yemen Hizbollah was present in Yemen with this name. However, considering what Hizbollah in Lebanon and the offshoots of ... Read more »

Tafsir of Furat Al-Kufi: The Understanding of Shirk With the Shia (And Why Sunnis Are Considered Mushriks)
The greatest of the doctrines of the Raafidah is that of "Imaamah", believing that Ali was the only rightful leader after the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and as such, their theology is founded entirely around this concept. Hence, their understanding of the foundations of Islaam (tawhid, ... Read more »

The Virtues of Aa'ishah Al-Siddiqah, Daughter of Abu Bakr: Part 2
She is Aa'ishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr (radiallahu anhu) (see his lineage ) through Umm Roomaan bint Aamir bin Uwaymir bin Abd Shams bin Itaab bin Udhaynah bin Subay' bin Dahmaan bin al-Haarith bin al-Ghanam bin Maalik al-Kinaaniyyah, and she was born after the messengership by around four years ... Read more »

Shirk (Polytheism)

Latest Articles
Shiite Fatwa for Killing of Sunni Muslims ('Impure Wahhabis') as a Means of Entering Paradise
Sedition Instigator: NImr Al-Nimr Convicted and Executed for Terrorism Offences
A Glimpse Upon Some Core Raafidi Doctrines: The Devil's Deception of the Raafidah Shee'ah
Between Naseer Al-Shirk Al-Toosee and Badr Al-Din Al-Hoothee: Lessons From History
Houthi Shia Criminal Aggression and War Crimes Reported in the Press
Iranian News Agencies Spreading False Propanda Against Students of Dammaaj
What Is the Foundation of the Saying of the Raafidah?
The Shia of Kufah Deceived, Deserted, Ambushed and Murdered the Grandson of the Prophet Al-Husayn, His Brothers and His Children and Took Their Women as Captives
The Shia Believe Revelation Continued After the Messenger and the Saying of Their Imaams Is the Saying of Allaah
The Virtues of Aa'ishah Al-Siddiqah, Daughter of Abu Bakr: Part 3 - A Scholar for the Companions

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The Shia of Kufah Deceived, Deserted, Ambushed and Murdered the Grandson of the Prophet Al-Husayn, His Brothers and His Children and Took Their Women as Captives
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Affirmation From Shia Source Books That Abdullah Bin Saba' Is the Original Founder of Rafidi Shia Doctrines

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